Whelan Recording Technique

Exploratory workshop 8 found us in another rehearsal space at Bishop Grosseteste University College – the Eliot Room – with a number of new faces and old friends, to explore a technique we are likely to use in rehearsals. There is a great little article by Phelim McDermott about his experiences using the technique with Improbable here: Improbable Articles and Interviews – Instant Acting, an article by Phelim McDermott – in the article he also mentions a Viola Spolin technique ‘Dubbing’ which we made use of in the Creation play at the Gala last year, and which we may try out again in this afternoon’s workshop.

After some introductions and warm ups designed to loosen the body and free the spirit, the workshop divided into two groups working with the opening of ‘The Raising of Lazarus’ using this technique. Participants found it liberating and fun as well as rapidly productive, getting a lot from watching the other group as well as using the technique themselves. 


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